Lingenfelter-Blown Chevrolet SS Tested: Through Moonshine Country with a Trunk Full of Hooch

Lingenfelter-Blown Chevrolet SS Tested: Through Moonshine Country with a Trunk Full of Hooch

American whiskey is having a moment. According to the Distilled ­Spirits Council, revenue from “super premium” bourbon and Tennessee whiskey went up 104 percent between 2008 and 2013. Lesser hooch made nice gains, too, as Americans developed a newfound appreciation for a liquor historically synonymous with saloon brawls and slurred arguments over who done left the T-tops off the Monte Carlo right before that there rainy spell. Bourbon is respectable now, chic and popular with the swells. To find out why, and maybe to enact some quality bootlegging dirt-road fantasies, we decided to take a V-8–powered southern road trip across the hills and hollers of Peak Whiskey. READ MORE ››

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