Nissan Juke on Two Wheels: The Slowest, Most Incredible Goodwood Record Ever [Video]

Nissan Juke RS Nismo


I think you’ll agree with us on this point: This is the slowest, most impressive run we’ve ever seen up the driveway at Goodwood. Stunt driver Terry Grant took a Nissan Juke NISMO RS and carefully tipped it onto two wheels using a ramp just past the start of the hill climb. And then it really became a sight to behold.


Grant’s careful but sharp steering inputs seem incongruous given the car’s precarious situation as it weaves and saws its way uphill, but that’s how it’s done—and expertly enough to set a record for a four-wheeled vehicle going up the hill on two wheels. The previous record? Set by Grant, also in a Juke. He shaved 45 seconds off his previous best time on this run.



And here’s how Grant prepared for the attempt:


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This story originally appeared on


from Car and Driver Blog

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